• Area of Interest Part 2

    Area of Interest Part 2

    In the last post I hinted that the AoI system will probably span a few posts. While I had the initial design and built the sensors in Jolt Samples, I quickly noticed a problem, my character wasn’t triggering the sensor volumes. Pairing Jolt’s CharacterVirtual with a Rigid Body It turns out the CharacterVirtual classes don’t… Read more

  • Area of Interest Initial Design Idea

    Area of Interest Initial Design Idea

    Now that my physics engine is in place and I can move the primary character around, I need to start sending positional information to all connected clients. To do this, I need to have a system that knows which characters are near each other and who should be able to see who. This is generally… Read more

  • Some bugs and how I fixed them

    Some bugs and how I fixed them

    Half Capsule Problem I left off last post where I finally fixed collision, but my character’s collision capsule appeared to be half inside of the mesh. This took me a good long while to figure out and finally with help from the author of Jolt he cracked what I was doing wrong. Spoiler, units in… Read more

  • The journey to get Jolt’s Character to not fall to it’s doom

    The journey to get Jolt’s Character to not fall to it’s doom

    After, 2 weeks of intense debugging I finally have Jolt’s Character class working in my game! Picking up where I left off last, my character had an unfortunate feature of falling through the world. I was convinced this was a problem with how I was loading my FBX landscape mesh. Whenever you are totally convinced… Read more

  • Debugging JoltPhysics in UE5

    Debugging JoltPhysics in UE5

    I have been struggling with getting JoltPhysics to play nicely in my code. What seems to work just fine in the JoltPhysic’s samples, utterly fails when I try to play inside the Unreal Editor. This post is a quick update on how I’m going to start debugging Jolt from inside UE5, thanks to Jolt exposing… Read more

  • Loading FBX models into JoltPhysic’s Samples

    Loading FBX models into JoltPhysic’s Samples

    I realize it’s been a long time since I posted, but I assure you I’m still working on this almost every free chance I get. It’s been rather slow going because I’m not really familiar with physics or loading meshes manually. I’ve been reading over the Jolt Physics docs and code to try to understand… Read more